I always enjoy reading your posts . Not only are they insightful but also always colorful & bright. 🥰

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Thanks Shantall :)

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Just chiming in to say hi ,Joy -- and to thank you for writing things I enjoy reading!

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Thank you, Liz! Hope you're well!

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Beautiful and so true. ❤️ I love your work and appreciate your putting yourself out there in this way. It is a gift for those coming behind and trying to learn. Xoxo

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Thank you, Tristen!

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Well phrased. I've been a writer - both online and print - for nearly two decades and one of the things I liken it to is teaching ... sure, sometimes you know right away that you're making an impact as a teacher, but sometimes you don't really know until thirty years later when a student who used to be in your kindergarten class writes you an email about how much you helped them. I think it's the same with writers. This is why I try to put my best effort into everything I create but then release it into the world and trust that it will find the person who needs it at the time it needs to find them ... the numbers don't really matter.

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